General Description
Female Barrow's Goldeneyes have gray bodies, brown heads, and yellow eyes. They can be very difficult to distinguish from the female Common Goldeneyes. The bill of the female Common Goldeneye is larger and mostly black with a yellow tip, while the Barrow's bill is smaller and mostly yellow. Male Barrow's Goldeneyes have iridescent purple heads that look black when not in the sun, and prominent, crescent-shaped white spots on each side of the head at the base of the bill. Their bellies and flanks are white, and their rumps are black. Their backs are mostly black with white spots. Their bills are solid black. Juveniles are mostly gray with brownish heads similar to females, but with less differentiation between the head and body colors. Consult a field guide or an experienced observer; consider range and habitat; and study nearby males to help determine which species is present.
Barrow's Goldeneyes are Common in Western Washington from November-April.Habitat
The Barrow's Goldeneye is primarily a bird of the western mountain region of North America. It nests farther north than the Common Goldeneye, and in some cases even north of the tree line. The Barrow's Goldeneye prefers small, clear lakes and ponds that are not crowded with submergent and emergent vegetation and that do not support populations of fish. Goldeneyes are cavity-nesting ducks and typically use forested habitat with mature trees (deciduous or coniferous) that offer suitable nesting cavities. They have also been known to nest in other areas as well (see Nesting). During migration, goldeneyes stop to feed on large lakes and rivers. During winter they often frequent marine areas in shallow protected bays, estuaries, and large lakes with a sandy, gravel, or rocky substrate.
Barrow's Goldeneyes are diving ducks, and whole groups of goldeneyes will dive at the same time. They forage around pilings, and most of their foraging is under water. Barrow's Goldeneyes are aggressive and territorial, even more so than Common Goldeneyes. Males will defend territories, and females will defend areas around their broods excluding their own and other species. The males exhibit spectacular and complex courtship displays. Females commonly lay eggs in the nests of both other Barrow's Goldeneyes and other ducks, especially other cavity-nesting ducks.
Female |
Male |
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